Examples Of Successful Imrt

IMRT for treatment of cancers of the throat and neck
This is an example of a 49 year old male with cancer of the right tonsil. He was treated with IMRT radiation and chemotherapy.
IMRT treatments were used to treat the primary tumor in the right tonsil (red) as well as the lymph node regions in the right and left neck (turquoise and green) while minimizing radiation exposure to the parotid glands, larynx, spinal cord and other normal tissue structures.
The patient is now two years out from completion of radiation treatments and is currently in remission. He is also back to work full time as a SWAT officer.

IMRT for treatment of prostate cancer
This is an example of a 72 year old male who was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He decided to undergo radiation therapy treatments to his prostate gland instead of surgery to remove his prostate.
The prostate is shown in red sandwiched between the bladder (green) and rectum (brown). He was treated with IMRT radiation therapy to the prostate gland. This treatment allows the prostate to receive sufficient dose of radiation for cure while significantly limiting the dose of radiation to the rectum and bladder.
The patient tolerated the radiation treatments very well and is currently three years out from completion of radiation treatments with an undetectable PSA.

IMRT for treatment of brain tumors
This is a 70 year old male who had a tumor of the left brain (red) near the left and right orbits (blue and green), left and right optic nerves (turquoise and pink) and optic chiasm. This tumor was in a location not accessible by surgery.
Due to the critical location of the tumor, IMRT radiation therapy was used to treat this tumor while reducing potential radiation exposure to the eyes, optic nerves and optic chiasm as well as the surrounding brain.
The patient tolerated the radiation treatments very well and is currently undergoing serial MRI scans of the brain without any evidence of tumor growth.